Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bloody Hell Part Deux

A word of advice: when Floating Head tells you something or gives advice - LISTEN. I learned my lesson the hard way last night. To be nice, because thats just the kind of girl she is, she IM'ed me before leaving work last night to say "you should leave now because the trains are a mess" and I said yeah, sure I will. And then she said, prophetically - "especially if you plan on transferring at Lex and 51st."

WHY OH WHY DID I JUST BLOW OFF THAT ADVICE?? Well by the time I got down to the station, I had to let two 6 trains pass me by and then at 51st, I let about 4 E trains go because I cannot get on crowded, smelly, hot trains. I refuse. At least on the platform there is some air. Some. So it's getting closer to 7:30 and I still haven't moved, so I figure, the next train to come, I'll get on, no matter what and hope for the best. Well it was PACKED. And it wasn't until the door shut and the train began to move that I understand the depth of SMELL in the car. I felt like I had been shrunk and trapped inside a dirty homeless man's mouth after he just ate pile of shit and washed it down with some urine. NO JOKE. I felt like I was going to vomit. Ah, but then I remembered at the next stop, in Queens, I could get out of the E and walk outside across the street to take the 7 train - the lovely lovely 7 train, above ground, with was downright breezy and pleasant! I was happy and less foul feeling...whew! As soon as I got home - after 8pm - I took a nice shower, put on some clean clothes and watched a show about Marilyn Monroe and then was off to a nice 8 hour sleep. Which helped my current workplace injury (I no longer suffer from the carpal tunnel issue, although I do occasionally have to wear my arm brace to bed) and I now seem to have a case of Computer Vision Syndrome - the past 3 days, my eyes have been burning and all red and itchy, but now - rested!

Today was a nice day. I solved a lot of problems and resolved some issues here at work and was rewarded by the Boss with a candy bar and a "good boy!" and got a gift of purply things from the Office Supply Fairy (FH) and had a nice phone conversation downstairs with Snow White (also in the hopes of an ETL spotting) who informed me that if we go up there for Xmas this year, Allie and I will be taking snowboarding lessons - sounds cool to Anniganiganny! And my little day trip to Atlantic City has been confirmed and now I'm off to buy one of those collapsible beach chairs - if only my mother lived nearby, she has a bunch...


Anonymous said...

I am so out of touch, I have no idea who you are talking about anymore.

- Vox

Aleena the Cleric said...

Well let me reveal some identities!

Snow White - my sister
Floating Head - you know who!
Office Supply Fairy - a.k.a Floating Head!
ETL - the guy who works here at 1 Park that we told you about at Blockheads
Anniganiganny - what my niece used to call me b/c she couldn't say Auntie Nikki
The Boss - Barf (half man, half dog - he's his own best friend)

Now you are up to speed :-)

Anonymous said...

glad someone else ask to clarify those names clueless