Sunday, September 17, 2006

80's Fab Rockers Loverboy said everyone was working FOR the weekend, not working ON the weekend, the ENTIRE weekend. So I came in yesterday, worked until late that day when our test process failed and tech support - a.k.a IT Dudes - were called in to research. I was allowed to go on my merry way but with full knowledge that said IT Dudes would no doubt fix the problem and I would be called in later to come on back and finish up. So, after talking to my boss at 11 last night I was informed that issue was STILL not fixed but was still being evaluated by IT Dudes and he would call me at 8 am today to let me know what the day's status was. I woke up to a text message from The Boss and a phone call to follow letting me know to come on here I am...oh well, such is life...but still...Loverboy - LIARS!

So now, The Boss has kindly gone out to fetch a bagel and large large coffee for me and I will most likely be here all day...

Now I am going to tell you about a little adventure I recently went on with Floating Head. Call it research and gathering of materials for the Master Plan if you like, seeking guidance in what to do next? I won't say much, but will remain mysterious: it took place in the Bronx, it is something I have never done before, it is not native to my "culture" so to speak and was Absolutely COOL. And apparently the amount of help I needed in My Master Plan was equal to a gallon and 2 liters worth of liquid, plus other items that I cannot mention here. Basically, I was given Big Jugs to assist me. Some might say - but you already had those - get your minds out of the gutter, we are being serious now! The Bronx Master Plan Assistance Society knows that I need A LOT of FREAKING HELP!!! So tomorrow, Phase 1 of The Plan will be activated and should it proceed on to Phase 2, only time and the Fates can tell...stay tuned, faithful readers!


Anonymous said...

I'm so intrigued! I CAN'T know! I am dying to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about the phases. I thought we were on Phase 2?