So what's up, peeps? Happy Easter, Happy Spring ... did you feel balanced yesterday? All polarities perfectly aligned? Yeah, me neither. Oh well, its the metaphor that counts, the symbols behind the mythology, yes? Time to rise again, peep your head out of the hole and say "yep, I'm back, people - woo hoo!"
Today is Good Friday and I hope its been good to all of you out there...I'm at work, trying to fight off a baby cold with supergreen powder and OJ and berries in between the sneezes. Later there will be lots of sleep as part of the remedy so that I can go to yoga tomorrow and Sunday with no issues...and then onto Jany's to cheer her up after her sinus surgery - we shall have an Enchanted Evening for sure...guess what movie we will be watching? Also on tap is a stop at the Marmara Gallery to see this exhibit - - then maybe some lunchbrunch and such and that's really all to report other than I'm really happy listening to a cd right now called Volume 1 by She and of the things I love about the movie Elf is Zooey Deschanel
singing Baby It's Cold Outside - well she has finally joined up with this guy to form She and Him and they have a cd and its very much like Dusty Springfield - so if you like that sort of thing, take a listen if you first Mets tix of the season have been purchased...the 2 $ TicketMaster Evan is back in action and I got 5 games in April all set...yay! Baseball time again, it really is spring...oooh and I forgot to mention the newest thing in my near future...a trip to Chicago in May! Something to look forward to, at long last...more details to come as they stay tuned...

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