Time for a lovely beach walk...
Me, AJ, and Ly
Ly and Elba enjoying brie and wine on the beach...
Action shot of the three of us..that's right...not much going on...just lay there and take in the view!
AJ the Merman
Another beach shot
Deer!! She had two babies with her as well - can I keep one?
Before heading off to the beach, we had lobster rolls and "rocket"fuel on the dock near the ferry...all in all, a giggly day was had by all those involved!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Fire Island Shots
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
DUDE! 15-6 METS WIN!!!
Well I haven't had much to be excited about Mets-wise this year but they've colored me happy this afternoon with their big blowout in Game 1 of the Subway Series..won't be going to any games this round but oh well, I'll cheer them on from afar... I've been paying attention my other fave team Red Sox to keep myself interested in baseball but if the Mets can somehow turn it around, I'll be there to root root root for the home team...
Tomorrow I'll be on Fire Island all day, hoping it doesn't rain, but thrilled to be by a beach at long last this summer - we won't be swimming or sunning, just walking and relaxing and feeling groovy...slow down you move too fast got to make the moment last just kicking down the cobblestones...looking for fun and...
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mamma Mia! It was the Summer Solstice this weekend!
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 09, 2008
New York Icky

Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 06, 2008
I'm easily obsessed by things, in case you don't know me very well. Sometimes they are longlasting, other times they pass as quickly as they came in - I tend to research the hell out of things, read everything I can (or if its a food or drink, eat/drink it over and over) and then done. Onto the next. In case you were wondering, my latest obsessions are:
1. Pete Seeger - easily the coolest guy on the planet (right up there with Chuckie - yes I put that because I know he's reading this), a guy who walks the walk and talks the talk and ever since watching the American Masters on him, I absolutely love him. Beautiful voice, beautiful spirit, amazing human being. I could easily substitute my earlier model "what would Fraulein Maria do? " to "what would Pete Seeger do?" Here's a good site if you don't know much about him: http://www.peteseeger.net/
2. Wasabi peas - who doesn't like getting their tongue nice and burned for two days so that you have no taste buds? Its all about that great buzz you get from eating too many at once, inhaling and then...wait for it...your head feels like it might explode from its wasabi-ness. I can't seem to stop eating them...
So what else? Well I get to go home for a much needed respite next Tuesday and I can't wait. I'm desperate to get away for rest and I can't wait until the real vacation in August. I'm running ragged right now and trying to fight out my quarterly I HATE NYC vibe. It isn't easy, but I fight the good fight and smile on and try to find distractions. Such as - last weekend. Met the Cousins Megan and Kara for brunch in Astoria, across from the Beer Garden - I had eggs sunnyside up and speck - yummy - and then we walked and walked and walked to the Noguchi Museum and the Socrates Sculpture Park - I highly recommend both. They are just a bit far from the train, but no worries. It's worth it - although the Noguchi museum is undergoing renovations so you can't go in the garden which is listed in a book I have as one of the most peaceful places in NYC. So I'm planning a return trip at some point. Socrates is just funky and right on the water so that might be a good place to hang out in the future - we want to go back for their Summer Solstice festival.
This weekend is - ta da!! Laundry, then to Jany's for Movie Night, then to see another movie on Sunday - The Fall. Then it's packing and getting ready to fly away home...YAY!!!
PS - Snow White? My favorite moment from this week's repeats of The Office on TBS was when Toby's little 5 year old goes up to Phyllis and asks "are you Mother Goose?"
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 5:37 PM 0 comments