Monday, June 23, 2008

Mamma Mia! It was the Summer Solstice this weekend!

Hope you all got outside on Solstice Saturday - it was a beautiful, luverly day here in Queens - sunny, breezy, not too hot and just enough humidity to make my hair curl up nicely. So I met The Cousins in Astoria for Solstice in Socrates Sculpture Park where they had music, a drumming circle, empanadas, crafts and face painting for the kiddies (and as you can see, Kara and I qualified as kiddies - we made flower wreaths to wear), followed by a ritual by the Urban Shaman Mama Donna - which was really cute - again, more for the kiddies, but it was very cool, the park is right on the water so she held it as the sun was setting and summer officially began and made everyone sing "This Little Light of Mine...I'm Gonna Let It Shine...". And here is Kara, belting it out, really "feeling" the moment... she's gonna let IT shine!!

Yesterday was brunch and then Mamma Mia with Floating Head, Ly, and Jany followed by "just enough" vodka and cranberrys at Faces and Names ... oh you guys still have me giggling ...