Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Une Bonne Anniversaire a Moi!

Oui, it is that time again! The joyous occasion of my birth...YAY!!! Yeah, I know big deal ... everyone has them and I had very little to do with it - blame Joyce and Charlie!!!

So far the good people of this world have been very kind to me - I came in to my office to find a huge bouquet of fleurs and a plate full of homemade empanandas and hugs and many nice nice nice email wishes - to be followed by lunch courtesy of the Boss and then that will pretty much be it for now ... I'm really celebrating on Friday with The Texan Twosome but YAY! again and thanks to all who have been so sweet to me - I'm very grateful!!


Unknown said...

WHY am I so lame that I constantly miss your birthday! Lunch is on me tomorrow!

Aleena the Cleric said...

Don't feel bad, I didn't advertise it!!! Old lady, old lady..wait, you and I are the same age...YOUNG AT HEART...Forever 28!!!