Eh, no, not that - no soma for us any longer... so then how about Brand New World?... I have to say - at the risk of sounding corny - watching Obama's acceptance speech on Tuesday was very moving and the possibly the first time that I have:
1. Been inpressed by a politician giving a speech
2. Actually believed that he was genuine and heartfelt about what he was saying
3. Actually believed that this person - along with some good help and good cabinet people and such around him - might actually make a change for the BETTER in this world. And it's been so long since I've felt that about this country and our politicians. While watching elections in other years, I so wanted to believe what they were saying and yet...a little twinge inside said "YOU BIG FAT LIARS"!!
I'm relieved beyond words that this man was elected - and hope more and more ugly things bubble up to the surface about that Chickadoodle Sarah Palin so that she has no choice but to crawl back into the hole that the Republicans found her in. Bye bye you snarky bitch!! Be gone forevermore. We have no need of your kind here.
So that's all...I'm a little down for the count so this is really just a half-hearted post - since my Linda Blair episode last weekend, I've quickly progressed into a full blown chest and head cold so I'm just going to take care of myself this weekend and rest and read and drink ginger tea with lemon and honey all the livelong day.. and maybe...just maybe...go to Ikea? If I can muster the strength to shop...oh but I am my mother's child, surely I can find it in me to GET TO A SALE!!! I must dig deep down, but the Joycean Genes shall prevail, I'm quite certain...they have such cute Christmasy items there, like these little knubby things:

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