Earworms Have Attacked!!! Here they are to get YOU - go watch the videos on YouTube or listen on the links below or SOMETHING!!!
Honey in the Sun - Camera Obscura
"I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew but it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you..."
Black Cab - Jens Lekman
Oh no, God damn
I missed the last train
I killed the party again
God damn,
God damn
I want to sleep in my bed
I want to clean up my head
Don't want to look this dead
Don't want to feel this dread
I killed the party again
I ruined it for my friends
"Well, you're so silent, Jens"
Well, maybe I am, maybe I am
The Opposite of Hallelujah - Jens Lekman
You've got so much to live for, little sister
You've got so much to live for
But sister, it's the opposite of hallelujah
it's the opposite of being you
you don't know cause it just
passes right through you
You don't know what I'm going through
You don't know what I'm going through
Melancholy Man - The Wake
When all is said and done, my melancholy man
The sky is blue today, my melancholy man
'And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you'
As beautiful as you, my melancholy man
As beautiful as you...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I'm as warm as honey in the sun for you...
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Recipe of the Week:Asian Slaw
Well, I've slacked on this quite a bit but since I had the flu the whole month of June, I really didn't cook much except Mrs Grass' Chicken Noodle Soup and toast. But - I'm getting back my typical vim and vigor (not due to any sort of Vitameatavegamin substance either) so last week I baked a MOST wonderful chocolate cake - all homemade - for my favorite co-worker's birthday - but I shall not post the recipe here as I want to keep my secrets secret. Let them all wonder what I did to make the cake so moist, the frosting so wonderfully cocoa-delicious and pudding-like. Let them eat cake!
But I will post what I've been eating pretty much non-stop since Saturday afternoon and that would be Asian Slaw. I made a huge batch of it and it was so tasty, every time I got peckish, I said "hmm, maybe just a forkful" and then a bowl and then it was my dinner and you can see how it continued from there - it really is that good! I sort of added more of "stuff" as I saw fit - so go by taste for sure.
Makes 8 servings
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 small head of napa cabbage
1 cup of shredded carrots (I just used my peeler and peeled short strips right into the bowl)
1 cup basil leaves, sliced into thin ribbons
8 oz sugar snap peas
1/3 cup of rice vinegar
2 TB soy sauce (I used teriyaki)
1 TB sugar
2 TS sesame oil (I definitely used a bit more since I LOVE the way it smells and tastes)
1/4 TS salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Toast the almonds in a skillet over low heat until browned and then put them aside in a separate container.
Trim cabbage and cut lengthwise into quarters and then into thin shreds and put in a large bowl. Add carrots, basil, and peas and toss to combine.
In a small bowl, whisk together rice vinegar, soy/teriyaki, sesame oil, sugar and salt. Then slowly whisk in vegetable oil until it comes together then toss with the veggies.
I kept the almonds separate, sprinkling on top of my individual portions as I ate them because I thought leaving them in the big bowl would make them less crunchy - but if you are serving it all immediately, toss them in and eat!
I think too you should make this ahead of time to let all the flavors come together - it tasted yummy right away, but you know, if you let it marinate a bit, it's just that much more...yummy!
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Well Done Cloris Leachman!!
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Funny Train Moment
So I'm on my way to work and I'm holding onto one of the poles by the door and there's a guy standing next to me, intently reading his book, but not holding on. At Grand Central, I spy him out of the corner of my eye reaching out with one hand - totally not looking - eyes completely on his book, and before I can move, he grabs my head, hard. I pull away in dismay and he smiles and starts to chuckle:
"I guess I thought your head was the pole"
I get that a lot actually.
My round, big head is very pole-like.
Get out of your personal bubble, people! Pay attention! Don't grab my head and get your fingers stuck in my hair! I don't know where that hand has been!!
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
La Catrina Mariposa
I meant to post these pics when I returned from The Texas Trip so that my mom could see what I was talking about when I told her how much I coveted (and then of course bought) this catrina doll. I've named her Mariposa, as Milette was with me when I bought her and she told me with some certainty " her name begins with an M, I'm sure of it, something like Mari..." and I came to Mariposa - Spanish for butterfly - so you know the whole Life/Death/Rebirth thing. Perfecto!
I like how first, you might go up to her, as she sits on her chair (purchased especially for her to sit upon) and you just think you are conversing with a fancy lady, all glittery and feathery.
She beckons you to come closer and as you lean in, perhaps to tell her a secret or share some gossip, you silently scream and freeze in horror because you realize...
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 2:09 PM 0 comments
My Office Garden
Is it the water in the pipes here at 1 Park Avenue? Is it the air? Is it my massive windows that let in humongous amounts of sunlight? I'm betting on the latter, because my office greenery is growing like crazy and I just wanted to share. I get NO sunlight in my apartment - just a bit in my kitchen - so I decided to plant some basil here and look at it go!!
It seems to like being sandwiched between the warmth of my printer and the window light. It smells fantastic too and I keep getting jokes about when am I going to start up tomatoes too. Yes, and perhaps I could also let a water buffalo graze next to my desk so I can milk it, create mozzarella and make a daily Insalata Caprese!
I also started nasturtiums from seed and for a long while I only got leaves - they are pretty though and growing long and ivy-like and I was pleased with the result. But I came in this Monday morning and look what greeted me:
Surprise! Its first flower. Of course - since I read into things - I took it as an omen of good things to come...
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 09, 2009
I read this poem on the Writer's Almanac today and it made me remember that you need to:
1. treasure your gifts - however small
2. be grateful for them, ALWAYS
The Place I Want To Get Back To
is where
in the pinewoods
in the moments between
the darkness
and first light
two deer
came walking down the hill
and when they saw me
they said to each other, okay,
this one is okay,
let's see who she is
and why she is sitting
on the ground like that,
so quiet, as if
asleep, or in a dream,
but, anyway, harmless;
and so they came
on their slender legs
and gazed upon me
not unlike the way
I go out to the dunes and look
and look and look
into the faces of the flowers;
and then one of them leaned forward
and nuzzled my hand, and what can my life
bring to me that could exceed
that brief moment?
For twenty years
I have gone every day to the same woods,
not waiting, exactly, just lingering.
Such gifts, bestowed,
can't be repeated.
If you want to talk about this
come to visit. I live in the house
near the corner, which I have named
-Mary Oliver
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Another luverly song by Emily Arin

I told him I wanted to write a song about him and for him, which he welcomed. Over coffee he told me stories of his life growing up with nine siblings in Valois, a town about 15 miles north of Montour Falls. Many of the details he shared were surprising and wonderful—his Aunt Ruth who could pick strawberries two to his one; naming his cat Lindsay in memory of a girl he went to church with when he was a boy; waking every weekday before dawn for 17 years to walk to his job in Montour Falls as building & grounds keeper for the Rural Urban Center; giving gas money to patrons of the local bars for a ride home every night…
His stories are remarkable. But the reason I felt so soothed by his light shining in the window that night is because it was the perfect symbol of his presence in the world—a man choosing to keep his light turned on."
I kept walking alone through the rain
My tears mixed with the weather
I kept walking alone through the rain
But the image of Lyle's light grew
And I knew there was something he knew
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
I'm gonna let it shine all the time
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
I'm gonna let it shine all the time
Here's a man with some stories to tell
Still he sees it real simple
Here's a man with some stories to tell
And though he's felt the heartache too
He says the sky is the only thing that should stay blue
Once a butterfly followed him home
Through the woods for an hour
Once a butterfly followed him home
And it made his heart feel light
And he knew from that day it would all be alright
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
I'm gonna let it shine all the time
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
I'm gonna let it shine all the time
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
R.I.P. iPod Nano Nov 2005-July 2009
So be it then. The iPod is dead, long live the iPod!
Yes, I've had to move on...meet my new life partner, iPod Pinky (I'm almost tempted to call her Pinky Tuscadero, Snow White!!! But I can't, our Xmas ornaments are already named that!)
She's quite pink but I love her all the same - she's a bit too thin and her metal casing is slippery so I'm scared of dropping her somewhere in the big bad city but I'll get used to her. She can hold so much more and plays videos although I think its stupid, who wants to watch something on a screen that tiny?
Still, she is purty...
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 6:11 PM 2 comments
In Praise Of Laundromats
God bless G & L Laundry, 1 block away from my apartment...god bless and praise them forever and ever amen.
So I hate doing laundry, hate it with a passion, I try to wait and do it only when I MUST (i.e. no more underwear or socks) and so I'll break down and do it and then since I hate putting it away, it sits folded on a chair or whatever and I get all stressed about it just sitting there and since I don't like to do it, I don't really do it well, I just toss it all together whites and colors and gentles warms and colds and I get stressed about timing it all perfectly, since my building only has 3 washers and 4 dryers and it often turns into a whole afternoon into evening affair, oh it's just too MUCH FOR THIS GIRL TO HANDLE.
Especially when she's been sick for the whole month of June and is still feelig weakish. So I decided to do something I've never done before - I dropped the whole lot off and let someone else do it. And when I picked it up, I realized this laundry for me was like a grilled cheese sandwich. Only my mother can make me grilled cheese sandwiches, she gets the right amount of butter on the bread and gets the cheese melted just so and the bread browns perfectly and it just tastes divine. If I make myself one, its fine, it's alright, it's melted cheese on toast ... but it's not my mother's.
The same is true for laundry. When I go home and my mother does the laundry, everything smells good and feels good and is folded correctly. When I do it, it's just, well it's clean but that's about all you can say about it. I just don't care enough to take the time to do it right. But this bag of laundry smelled so good and fresh and soft (is that a hint of lavender?) and each item was so wonderfully folded and ready to go right into my closet or drawers and boom! like that - laundry, the chore, my burden - was complete. Why I might just do a weekly load if its like this!
Oh G & L, I do believe you've just become my luxury item - yes, you cost double what it costs me to do it myself but to be honest...I can't be bothered.
That's it, that's the most exciting item from the past week - the past month really. Me and my dirty clothes. Let's hope for a more exciting July, shall we?
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 5:30 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 02, 2009
June 19th was the last time I posted here...why oh why, have my bloggie skills been so neglected? Oh so many excuses, so little time...actually now I have lots of time since it just started raining - cats and dogs and lions and bears OH MY - and so now lets see if I can wait it out and escape the deluge and not ruin my shoes.
I want a drink. Today has been, in short, BAD.
I've been sick, first with the flu, then all last week I thought I had pneumonia, found a doctor who would see me who promptly sent me to the hospital for a chest xray to make sure I wasn't surely dying and prescribed me three meds to get me well in a jiffy and to top it off, I've been working my little - or big - well not big, it's a bubble butt - ass off trying to get My Big Work Project completed and with little effort and error.
Turns out there were errors, mainly due to the fact that this was a bit unwieldy but I'm the only one who knows what to tell IT what to do and how to do it so the task was mine and therefore the mess to clean up was also mine. So I thought today - the final big push, the final sets of SQL updates and loads - almost killed me. I almost closed my door and started crying to let out my frustration, but I'm a big girl tough cookie and that's not what we do, at least not in public. I still reserve the right to sob uncontrollably when I get home.
Plus, I dropped my iPod in water last night and now I can't get the volume down to listen to it. It's slowly drying out and healing but STILL. One more clue in the puzzle called It Sucks To Be Me.
Like I said, I'm feeling a bit down and out, a bit blah, still not breathing well, still weary and did I mention I need a drink?
Stopped raining though...liquor store, here I come!!!
Cheers to the long weekend then!! I'm not doing anything except resting to get myself well and maybe some shopping (shoes? clothes?) and a visit to the Met and/or the park? I need a nice, fun, relaxing day methinks....
Posted by Aleena the Cleric at 6:58 PM 0 comments