Tuesday, July 07, 2009

R.I.P. iPod Nano Nov 2005-July 2009

You gave me almost four good years...but I didn't treat you right did I? I decided to give myself a pedicure and shave my legs in the tub and I dropped you in the water and you died on me. I tried every trick in the book, I soaked you in rice, I rubbed you with alcohol, I sat as long as I could holding you under a hair dryer. Alas, my efforts to revive you failed. I had to accept the fact that you are gone.

So be it then. The iPod is dead, long live the iPod!

Yes, I've had to move on...meet my new life partner, iPod Pinky (I'm almost tempted to call her Pinky Tuscadero, Snow White!!! But I can't, our Xmas ornaments are already named that!)

She's quite pink but I love her all the same - she's a bit too thin and her metal casing is slippery so I'm scared of dropping her somewhere in the big bad city but I'll get used to her. She can hold so much more and plays videos although I think its stupid, who wants to watch something on a screen that tiny?

Still, she is purty...


Anonymous said...

get a leather case to reduce slipperiness and call her Leather Tuscadero!! also, video screen is good for The Soup and Best Week Ever podcasts!!! ~Snow

Aleena the Cleric said...

HEY!!! Good idea...wasn't Leather her sister's name? OMG - you are a genius of a Disney character sister!!!!!

And - I'm checking out the Soup podcasts - you know I have a crush on Joel McHale...