Saturday, May 22, 2010

She's made it to the City Of Brotherly Love and she is awake now, yes it's finally morning, 7:34, and I purposely left the drapes open last night so that the sun would greet me. Except there isnt much sun - mostly gray out there & I didn't know that I would have such a choppy night of sleep & maybe wouldn't want that light creeping in to bother me - weird dreams, kept feeling I was awake but the would wake up so I must have been sleeping,right? Disorienting.

I realized last night this is the first time I've been in a hotel room by myself (it seemed oh TOO quiet at first) since ten years ago when I had to come here for work a couple of times a year and it brought back memories - all good ones actually - of catching the train (Amtrak because we didn't have to pay for it), working all sorts of crazy hours because we'd have a deadline to meet & never being able to see much except the few blocks around the office which was right across
from City Hall so this is my second trip back to see more "stuff" and really enjoy it - even last time I came only for a day and it was rush rush - fun but too quick. So this mini trip, I hope we can stroll a bit more, not run place to place.

Onto the stuff then!! But first - COFFEE...