I don't even remember how I came across this blog http://pixiecampbell.typepad.com/ (most likely from someone else's blog) but as I was scrolling through some of her posts, I see that the author went to Cambria in California for Mother's Day and posted this photo of Moonstone Beach which I know very well. It's right down the cliff from my family's favorite restaurant The Sea Chest and we've gone walking here so many times, gathering driftwood, stones, taking in a glass of wine while waiting to get in the restaurant, or watching the sunset. I love rocks and pebbles to the point that I'm greedy and want them all when they are beautiful & smooth & multicolored like these - so you can guess by the picture that I could spend hours sitting there, just looking and hunting and gathering and then squirrelling them away - indeed, here is a photo of me doing just that the last time I was there in 2008!!
It's only the escargot and the calamari steak from the Sea Chest above me that beckons me away from my spot...but anyway, I loved her photo because up close, that what you see - the stones are all tiny and jewel-like, polished perfectly smooth, bits of jade and jasper like she says but also you find agates and moonstones...and in just over a month's time, I'll be back there so this made me feel wistful because I wouldn't mind being there now but for now, it's an image of something good to look forward to.
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