Thursday, August 24, 2006

Later DUDES!!

I'm off for a week to the Pacific Northwest to do some Mutton Bustin' as of tomorrow, so have a fab week without me...I'll try to post while I'm there and there will definitely be pictures when I get back!!

I'm heading on my trip in an okay mood - I certainly am ending the week better than I started it! It started with me being a tad sad over something that I thought might have ended before it ever even started and the ensuing disappointment over that. On Tuesday, it all picked up because I think that I received confirmation from That Person to continue on with my plans and Magpie says, the GAME may be AFOOT! I hope so, I really hope ... when I come back from vacation, I think I need to be very aggressive about this or I may lose my shot at greatness, so to speak...(or tallness as it were).

Speaking of Magpie, it's the last day she and I will work together. Yes, Magpie flies again! Who will get just as excited as me to see ETL? Who will call me and say come downstairs, now, he's here! Who will I bitch to over the Stupid People in The Office? Who is going to go to the tuck shop with me and make a million trips to get coffee? See you when I get back, Magpie, I refuse to say the words GOOD BYE! And to paraphrase a fairly good haiku poet, my door is always open to you, should you need to walk through it!


Anonymous said...

Dude, I LIVE in the doorway - I'm like the homeless dude who won't leave (and I smell of wee)!

Have a top trip!!!!


oh, and it has been a joy working with you these past years...