Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Presents Delivered!

The Annual Gifting has begun!

The first to arrive was Veronica yesterday afternoon..I met her at La Guardia at 1pm and started giggling immediately. The giggling has not ceased since. We headed back to my apt. to get her settled in and then to the coffee shop down the block from me for the Best Grilled Cheese In The Universe (second only to Mama Juicy's actually - hers ranks #1 simply because of the love she puts into it) and then we had a coffee in Central Park (d'oh - crack itch! - seems Mervyn needs to get used to the bums and the druggies laying about the grass again!) on a bench dedicated by Jerry and Star Swartz by mere coincidence...and then we headed up to the Upper West Side to see Dr. Clark and family - Veronica remembering that she started babysitting for them when Kyle was one year old and now he's a 6'4 16 year old and so don't we feel old? I remember when little Zoe was in diapers and had antennae! Now she's a pretty 11 year old with an African Love Bird on her head - that would be Sydney, their bright green pet who doesn't like to fly but just wants to sit on Zoe's head and watch everything that she does. We had steamed dumplings and wine and vodka cocktails with them until close to 11pm and then headed home, still giggling over EVERYTHING. Oh and I slept perfectly last night, a full 8 hours, due to the prescription strength Benadryl Dr. Clark hooked me up with (he's a doctor so he can do that!) I took two and off I went. I woke up a wee bit groggy this morning so as I made coffee for me and Vron, the doorbell rang and I heard a "it's the postman, I've got boxes!" and lo and behold, I opened the door and he handed me one box from S.S. Aunt Judy and another from Mr. and Mrs. Penmark (aka Mom and Dad) - YIPPEE!!!!!!! PRESENTS!!! FOR ME!!!!! Don't worry, as V. as my witness, I did not open them yet...I shall restrain myself until Sunday ( or maybe Saturday?)

Now I'm at work for the day and I find out I'm getting a brand new computer and printer....another YIPPEE... so Birth Week has really begun and I'm very grateful for all the goodies that have come my way so far...keep it coming, people! hee hee hee!!!