Monday, May 17, 2010

Just finished reading Little Altars Everywhere - awesomely beautifully sad funny all at once - SO my sort of book. But favorite line?

"...we all get Cokes too, even though Daddy says that having a cold drink before twelve noon is 'a whore's breakfast.'"

Sip on that, all you people out there buying iced lattes from the coffee cart tomorrow morning ... I see you!!!

Now I'm dying to get/read the other 3 books by Rebecca Wells but for now, to sleep because, yes, she's down with a cold yet again - I swear, if this were the olden days, (the days of yore) they'd send me off to the sanitarium to recover my health. Or if I had been wealthy in ye olde tymes, take the waters at Baden-Baden. I do know that I'm quite tired of getting a bug or a cold every 6 weeks & it always seems to hit at a bad time - in this case going to Philly with some friends this weekend while dealing with extra special work stress.

So to bed to sleep then where I wish myself sweet dreams and an unstuffy nose and a head that doesn't feel like lead...