Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Would it be pathetic

if I ordered myself one of these beds?

OMG! I understand they are meant for little girls, but COME ON UNIVERSE!!! Surely you knew that I was going to watch "Kimora:Life in the Fab Lane" last Sunday and surely you knew that I would spy these beds bought for Ming and Aoki and desire one with all my heart RIGHT THAT MINUTE!!!

I know, I know, they are for little girls...I really don't care...look at these beds, tell me you don't want one too..I dare you

And Universe, don't make the Airplane joke (don't call me Shirley)

Anyhow, as luck would have it, I'm ill, I'm going home to drink massive amounts of my homemade ginger immunity booster tea - I woke up Monday morning with my head swirling, like Alice down the rabbit hole, my throat and chest achy, my nose all stuffy and so I stayed in bed and called in sick to rest. Which I did but it's now 2 days later and my chest hurts more and I'm weary all over - this always seems to happen like a week after I fly anywhere - next trip, I'm trying that Airborne stuff and see if that helps me - at least I can be grateful enough that I felt blissful the whole time I was in Texas and I must counting my blessings that I wasn't sick there. Nothing was to get in the way of AdobeCar Time!!!

But I do look quite ugly, I look like that lady in those awful Halls ads I kept seeing in the subway all winter - I HATED these ads, for some reason, they pissed me off, I wanted to smack them, they made me feel icky just to look at them...and now...I look just like her...

UGH. Must get prettier soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From the Sanrio Vineyards...

They must have had me in mind when they came up with know I'd want every SINGLE bottle - this is just way too cute for me and my Hello Kitty loving heart...

Hello Kitty Sparkling Brut Rosé - A deep reddish pink sparkling rose made from 100% Pinot Noir that has a frothy mousse as well as a pretty nose of rose petal and red currant scents.

Hello Kitty Sparkling "Sweet Pink" (Half Size) - This semi-sweet sparkler sports a pale pink hue and has very delicate bubbles.

2008 Hello Kitty Angel White - This is a fresh, very "blanc" white wine made entirely from Pinot Noir free run juice.

2006 Hello Kitty Devil Red - Garnet red with brickish highlights, this is a classically rendered Pinot Noir that presents a seductive bouquet of wild flowers and forest aromas.

Oh I must seek this out... where are you in NYC, Hello Kitty Vino?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Test post from my new iphone!

For Emergencies ONLY

Some new keys that were added recently to my keyboard here at work...just in case...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thumbs UP!

for She and Him Volume 2

Luverly luverly - I may like it better than Volume 1 but this is just my first listen...

The Creep

There is a fine line between casually observing others around you (which I do all the time and which I love to do - we are all very fascinating) and that point where it becomes creepy, where the gaze lingers just a bit too long, the eyes scanning everyone in the train up and down then up again, slowly taking in whatever is arousing your curiosity about them.

The older man leaned against the subway door - he looked left over from the Eighties, his hair out of date, too poofy, the bushy moustache no longer in style. His suit was quite elegant and it fit him well and he looked as if he was headed to a meeting of some sort or an interview, just well groomed enough to suggest he had some money, that he wasn't just spiffing it up for the occasion. I imagined he was new to this world or planet and placed here to gather data and this was the disguise they gave him, "to blend in". He turned his head to the left, his eyes not missing a body, then to the right in the same way, and his face stayed impassive, as if he was merely curious about what he had been sent here to see, our human ways, our culture, our way of dressing, of doing our hair. "I must observe them in order to become one of them", he must be thinking.

But then his gaze would rest far too long one of the women and then it was no longer a mystery. The lingering looks had become weird, bordering on offensive and I find myself irritated by him and wanting to ask him to knock it off. He now seemed predatory; you could imagine him having dark thoughts and ideas of what he would do if only...if only...

Monday, March 22, 2010


Then reboot! Yes, I've been on defrag and reboot phase these past few days and it has been the best treat I do believe I've bought for myself. St Patrick's Day, lucky four-leaf clover ring on hand, I jumped a flight to Charlotte, then to Dallas where I was met by my Little Buddy and off we drove to San Antonio - let the nonstop giggling commence! Lets see, what did we do, what did we see? Bugtussle Lane (I just like the name), bluebonnets, mountain laurel, a humorous stop at Willie's Place for some of Willie's Bio-Diesel fuel, home cooked tacos & fish & a huge breakfast by Mommy Delgado, La Villita shopping & browsing, snow cones & Casa Salazar for a new ring (of course, how can I resist that?) 5 GLORIOUSLY funnylovely hours with Cindy with even more laughing by the River Walk, AliceinWonderland-themed Late Night at the Dallas Museum of Art on Friday, a little shopping, a little makeup, followed by one of the yummiest (because it was "made with love") vegetarian meal at a Hare Krishna temple on Saturday and can you believe it SNOW on the first day of Spring - in TEXAS??? 3D Alice (SO AWESOME because I agreed that it's okay if I'm mad because all the best people are) and Wellies (for rain puddle stomping) and other little goodies bought at Target yesterday, capped off with a fire in the fireplace (I'm very jealous of her fireplace) and a creepy Swedish vampire film which, thankfully, did not give me nightmares.

And that brings us to now, to me sitting on the couch as I type this, lounging in pj's on Little Buddy's couch while she poses as a teacher at work (ha, I STILL don't believe they call her Ms. Delgado) and I get to be a bum and drink coffee and read and watch the Today show. Tomorrow I return to the Big City (sadly) but let me focus on one more day of vacation and with that, let me get back to my resting and reading on the sofa....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today's Cledon

(What's a cledon? Originating from ancient Greek culture when people consulted the oracle of Apollo to ask a question, the concept of a cledon is where other unsuspecting people are used by God - or as they say in Clash of the Titans "by the gods - to convey a message to the inquiring person. In the past, this was through getting a message through overhearing a conversation between others, or when someone else who doesn't know about one's question answers it. In this day, it's also likely through seeing a headline or a billboard, or through hearing a certain song on the radio, or even watching something on TV)

As I stood on the corner of 30th and Park, waiting to cross, I heard it, quite loudly, quite clear:

"Stop being such a pussy"


"Good soup draws the chair to it"

(2 posts in one day, what have you fine people been doing to deserve such a treat?)

And so we begin with a fine Ghanian proverb that fits well with the day - it's so rainy and raw and chilly to the bone. Some soup or hot cocoa and a nap would be mighty fine right now.

But, alas, I did not have any such good soup for lunch, it was instead a turkey sandwich. Yes. Excitement reigns. Blah.



Now, I've been feeling the way the day looks so I decided to do something about that. On Wednesday, I called Good Ole Lil' Texan Buddy and asked if she was doing anything next week - was she perhaps on Spring Break? Then I asked Good Ole Boss if I could please take a few days off, hmm, let's see, how about a whole week? To which he replied "I was wondering how you've gone since the beginning of January with out one single day off."

And so an aeroplane ticket was purchased and so it is with great glee and bliss that I announce I shall be Texas-bound next Wednesday at 8:30 am and shall be returning not sooner that the following Tuesday - YIPPEEE!!! I get to see Veronica, drive to San Antonio and spend 3 days there, see Cindy, and laugh SO FREAKING MUCH.

My stomach muscles hurt already.

I need that. I feel like a great weight has been lifted, a hint of blue sky seeping through the cracks of the rainy day, for I'm guaranteed to feel complete and utter happiness at just the mere thought of my Tex-Mex adventure.

It's what happens when you fuse German (and Russian/Swedish) engineering with Mexican knowhow.

Celebrity Rehab, David Sedaris, & Me

So I love watching Celebrity Rehab and Sober House on VH1 - I just do, I'm not going to defend it. I find it interesting, so there. And it doesn't help that I have a slight crush on Dr. Drew (who doesn't?) and when he looks so understanding at the patient describing something painful - I've also developed a David Sedaris crush, but I'll get to that later. I love Amy so doesn't it make sense that I think that I could somehow turn him straight and then marry him and then be able to take part in the superwackyfunness of their family? I already have the superwacky part down and I think Amy would make such a fantastic sister-in-law... we could do crafts and baking together... if only...

Anyway, I wanted to comment that I found it interesting that out of all the latest participants of Celebrity Rehab, I found myself rooting for Heidi Fleiss to be the one that comes out of this totally sober, cleaned up and turned around. When they hinted that someone in the house tested positive for meth and then cut to the break, inside I got nervous and said "please don't make it be Heidi". Why her? I want them all to do well but for some reason, my heart goes out to her. I guess I feel sorry for her; she looks like a dog that's been kicked far too many times, like one of those patchy skinny puppies on the ASPCA ad with Sarah McLachlan, like some one who's dug herself a deep hole and she can't get out of it by herself.

I was just surprised that out of all of them, she was the one I seemed to have picked out to support mentally from afar. I have a feeling she might not make it, I read somewhere that she's marrying the guy who owns the Bunny Ranch and lives near Death Valley- that's only a few hours from my parents, maybe one of them could drive out and check on her.

Not Daddy though.

Now the David Sedaris thing. I've been suffering from a REALLY bad mood lately. Which is one reason I haven't been good about posting here. I feel like all I do is complain and describe what fresh shitty mood has descended or why things aren't to my liking. It seems to be the trend of this year, so I'm trying to halt it and fend it off and do something about it, but feel it's boring to those not taking part in BitchFestIHateTheWorld&EveryoneInIt 2010 (it's a party of 1) so I'm declining to discuss it.

Last week, I discovered was how much a Daily Dose of David can assist that cause and so I'm sharing it because maybe Mr. Sedaris can help you too. When Veronica visited in November, she left "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" for me to read and I hadn't touched it until last week when I decided to pick it up because I thought laughing a little would distract me from the Foul Mood Brain Drain. And it did. I devoured it in 2 nights and was laughing aloud by myself which always makes me feel like my neighbor must think I'm a bit bonkers if he can hear me. So I've proceeded to read one story/essay/chapter a day (sometimes more) as a way of self-medicating. I had only read "Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim" so I've got enough to last me a few weeks. After that - well lets just focus on the now. It's helping.