Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Retraction, Sort Of

My mother would like me to state that the red and white kitchen story is not entirely true and she feels it portrays her as a terrible gift-giver. Not so! She is one of the best gift-givers ever and every year, she surprises me with some wonderful present...she would also like you to know that I tended to circle almost every toy in the Sears Wish Book, which made it very difficult for Santa to decide what to get...and I did get a play kitchen one year, it was made of aluminum and had fairy tale characters on it...

Now in order for me to retract the story completely, she will have to come up with the 40$ antique travelling vanity set I saw in Minneapolis when I was 12 that she wouldn't let me buy because she said it was "junk" ... and she must order me a large pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut that I get to eat by myself... wink wink, Mommy?


Anonymous said...

boy, your mother sounds like a loony bird!!!

Aleena the Cleric said...

oh she is!! she's CRAZY!!!

Anonymous said...

Loony bird? She sounds like the most wonderful mother. If she gave you a basket of kisses,what would you give her?

Aleena the Cleric said...

I'd give her a basket full of hugs...I've got the prettiest mommy...I've got the nicest mommy...she gave me shoes that go tap-tap-tap on the walk...

Anonymous said...
