Friday, June 27, 2008

DUDE! 15-6 METS WIN!!!

Well I haven't had much to be excited about Mets-wise this year but they've colored me happy this afternoon with their big blowout in Game 1 of the Subway Series..won't be going to any games this round but oh well, I'll cheer them on from afar... I've been paying attention my other fave team Red Sox to keep myself interested in baseball but if the Mets can somehow turn it around, I'll be there to root root root for the home team...

Tomorrow I'll be on Fire Island all day, hoping it doesn't rain, but thrilled to be by a beach at long last this summer - we won't be swimming or sunning, just walking and relaxing and feeling groovy...slow down you move too fast got to make the moment last just kicking down the cobblestones...looking for fun and...