Monday, March 28, 2005

Flu Flu Flu

Poor poor me, I've been struck down by the flu for the past week...started last Monday and is just now starting to go away...I've had no energy and have been sleeping an UNBELIEVABLE amount...which makes me feel a bit Rip Van Winkle-ish...a whole week and what do I have to show for it? Well, I missed two days of work, which was nice (except the first one, I was too sick to enjoy being home), and luckily one of my good friends lives 3 blocks away from me so she was able to deliver medicine (yay dayquil!) and food...but since then? Friday night, I slept A LOT. Saturday night, I actually ventured out, to dinner and a bar where they had a bellydancing showcase...very cool, and the best part was the last dancer: this old woman named Yvette, she had to be in her 70's, wearing a turquoise bra and sequined skirt...she was awesome! And she got the most applause...good for her! Sunday, I saw a CRAZY Korean film called Old Boy - very good, especially that I saw none of the plot twists coming, so I was surprised by everything...thanks to dear cousin Megan on that recommendation, she keeps me informed of the "cool" stuff out there...tonight, I've got free tickets to a comedy club...till next time....


Anonymous said...

Dude! Get well soon!!!

Anonymous said...

you only liked the old bellydancer because she could have/would have been grandma max!!! See ya next week -xoxo hj

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, and I want to thank you for confirming what I've known for a very long time - I am cool!

Aleena the Cleric said...

Yes, dear Scooter ARE cool...Gael Garcia Bernal knows it too...