Friday, February 03, 2006

The Supper Club Initiation Begins

Tonight is the first official Supper Club meeting of 2006! On tonight's agenda: Indian food in the West Village. Attendees include: myself, Floating Head, Magpie, Mrs. Cohen and perhaps a Mr. Cohen (although Magpie said he had a singing gig so maybe no?). The idea behind Supper Club is that there are so many restaurants to try in NYC and you tend to stick to what you know, so every couple of weeks, each member has to come up with a new restaurant and new cuisine to indulge in. Lovely! New members are welcome, so anyone who would like to join, please inform your local contact. Tomorrow I see the film Capote and buy some hangers and storage for the new clothes that I bought last night..7 shirts/sweaters and 5 pairs of pants, as well as some new clothes are needed because I needed a little sprucing up...I need to throw away some old crappy stuff that is dull and ugly and move on to colorful, pretty, cutesy stuff..agreed! Plus, it's no-tax why not spend a little on making myself look better? I've been feeling very ugly and rundown looking for some reason, very blah. My sunday is to be spent celebrating the Year of the Dog (the Bounty Hunter..I love him, I wish I could have visited Veronica when she lived in Hawaii so that I could have tried to meet him) and watching the dragon parade and going to the festival and then some dim sum or some such foodstuffs bean buns hopefully.


Anonymous said...

sounds fun!!! would be interested in joining.

Anonymous said...

what a fun filled evening and meet new folks and explore different places. how to join the fun,
