Monday, March 22, 2010


Then reboot! Yes, I've been on defrag and reboot phase these past few days and it has been the best treat I do believe I've bought for myself. St Patrick's Day, lucky four-leaf clover ring on hand, I jumped a flight to Charlotte, then to Dallas where I was met by my Little Buddy and off we drove to San Antonio - let the nonstop giggling commence! Lets see, what did we do, what did we see? Bugtussle Lane (I just like the name), bluebonnets, mountain laurel, a humorous stop at Willie's Place for some of Willie's Bio-Diesel fuel, home cooked tacos & fish & a huge breakfast by Mommy Delgado, La Villita shopping & browsing, snow cones & Casa Salazar for a new ring (of course, how can I resist that?) 5 GLORIOUSLY funnylovely hours with Cindy with even more laughing by the River Walk, AliceinWonderland-themed Late Night at the Dallas Museum of Art on Friday, a little shopping, a little makeup, followed by one of the yummiest (because it was "made with love") vegetarian meal at a Hare Krishna temple on Saturday and can you believe it SNOW on the first day of Spring - in TEXAS??? 3D Alice (SO AWESOME because I agreed that it's okay if I'm mad because all the best people are) and Wellies (for rain puddle stomping) and other little goodies bought at Target yesterday, capped off with a fire in the fireplace (I'm very jealous of her fireplace) and a creepy Swedish vampire film which, thankfully, did not give me nightmares.

And that brings us to now, to me sitting on the couch as I type this, lounging in pj's on Little Buddy's couch while she poses as a teacher at work (ha, I STILL don't believe they call her Ms. Delgado) and I get to be a bum and drink coffee and read and watch the Today show. Tomorrow I return to the Big City (sadly) but let me focus on one more day of vacation and with that, let me get back to my resting and reading on the sofa....


Anonymous said...

It was wonderful having you here. You made my spring break so much better than it would've been otherwise! I really needed the :-) I'm glad you had a good time...gosh, we did do a lot didn't we? :)