Friday, May 13, 2005

My New Hero, Sen. Barbara Boxer

Posted by Hello Why is she my new hero? Because she is single-handedly the only political figure who dares to truly stand up for what she believes in - even when she stands alone (which is often). She is someone who dares to question authority, the only Senator who held Condolezza Rice accountable for the culture of fear she and the Bush Regime have helped to create, one of the few senators who dared to speak out against the privatization of Social Security, and currently is leading the fight to stop John Bolton from heading to the UN, a man Jude Wanniski (former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal) has termed " a true force of darkness". She is a woman who stands firm in the courage of her convictions and for that, I thank her - she keeps my faith alive.

"What I do believe in is keeping promises to the people... I told them election night - and I didn't know how prophetic this was - that if I had to stand alone, I will do it. I am not afraid." - Barbara Boxer 2004