Friday, May 13, 2005

Une Bonne Anniversaire to P.Hilly!!

May 12th was Mr. Philip's was a beautiful May day, so we walked along the park after work and then head off to see David Rabe's play "Hurlyburly" with Ethan Hawke,
( who was excellent as Eddie (although P. and I agreed Sean Penn was much better in the movie version)...the play was awesome, so well done in every way...afterwards, we were hungry (well I was starving after not eating for most of the day), so we shared a panini and birthday brownie in Times was a lovely evening and as the NPR ladies would have said (mildly and without too much emotion) "Good times...good times..." So happy happy birthday wishes to Dear Philip, who is cool boy I'm happy to know...
Tonight I am walking across the Brooklyn Bridge after work to meet some friends for pizza at one of the world's best pizza places, Grimaldi's - YUMMY! And then tomorrow, it's time for a haircut and highlighting (my grays are showing - also, I am meeting an old college friend in Disneyworld in two weeks and I want to look good for her - I haven't seen her since 1998!! Yep, Cindy, I want to look "hot" for you!!) and then it's poker night at Evan the Poker King's apartment.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday--- all the best