Friday, September 11, 2009


I have 3 is all Vin Scelsa's fault, I listen to Idiot's Delight on WFUV most Sat nights and last Saturday he did a whole string based on or connected to Beethoven's Ode to Joy that led to Bright Eyes "Road to Joy" and I cannot stop listening to it, especially in the morning as I'm laying in bed, readying myself to GET UP ALREADY STOP LAYING THERE LISTENING TO THE 1010WINS YOU ARE GOING TO BE WAY LATE!!!!!

So I've been putting on my iPod right before I'm ready to rise and blast most especially the last part of the song -

"The sun came up with no conclusion
Flowers sleeping in their beds
This city's cemetery's humming
I’m wide-awake, it’s morning!!!!"

Which he is screaming..but it makes me do that in my head and then I feel ready to face the day...

Okay, second one goes along the same lines - lately I've been Beatle obsessed all over again and I seem to have "Helter Skelter" on repeat and it makes me want to scream in my head too- which I'm doing anyhow most of the time so it might as well be in song form, no?

Third one is "Together We Are Both Alone" by Nicole Atkins - love love love this song. Good for blasting on the iPod too, especially when she sings

"I dreamt of everything,
I tried to make this all right
It’s all right, it’s all right, it’s all right (repeat)"

It's just comforting to hear "it's all right" over and over - that's what I like best about this...especially on a day like today, I mostly feel like either kicking someone in the head repeatedly or hiding under my desk. I'm a little off, a little moody, a little pissed off at the world in general.


Let me get back to work and my day and see if anything good can be salvaged from's all right it's all right it's all right...