Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day to all you TURKEYS out there!

I will most likely be spending the day at home eating an entire pot of Green Bean Casserole and drinking something warm and possibly alcoholic since its so appropriately chilly outside now and napping and bundling up and watching movies and reading and being cozy and maybe I might think about things I'm thankful for... the past week has been an "off" week for me you could say, I've been doing a lot of thinking and some of it has made me sad, some of it has made me feel good - this time of the year can be so bittersweeet. It's that end of the year thing most people do to sort of evaluate the past months and take a snapshot of where you are now in comparison to last year at this time... on the whole, it's been a good year, I made quite a few important changes and grew up A LOT. I feel better and I think I'm happier (let me not jinx myself - I could crash tomorrow). I still have my moody moments but I'm trying really hard to keep everything in perspective and to enjoy myself and not let those moods or events or other people make me feel anything I don't want or need to know what I mean...

Alright, I'm getting too mushy and diary-like for public consuption - its too navel-gazing to go into all the details so I'm not going to but I just wanted to say that maybe what I'm thankful for is that I'm feeling good about things and myself and my job (thanks to Barf and the Two Boys) and my friends (thanks especially Mervyn, Quick Draw, the Chia Pet, Vox, Floating Head) and my family (thanks to Mom and Dad and Snow and her Dwarves and the Slut Sister Judith) and that's - as Martha would say - a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Happy T-Day, Nik Nak!


- Vox

Aleena the Cleric said...

Same to you, you big turkey!

Favorite Vox moment of the past month, which took place at Borders:

NikNak: I thought I'd find you in the "Conspiracy" section

Vox: Otherwise known as American History

NikNak and Vox: ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

End Scene

Anonymous said...


Every once in a while I come up with a good one. :)

- Vox