Monday, November 27, 2006


See, I knew by writing my thanksgiving post, I would jinx myself... the best way to bring on a mad, sad, ugly mood is to talk or write about how cool or good things are going - because just like that, BAM! the world turns and tilts a bit and you are slapped with a reminder that this is just the way life works - some days you feel good and some days you DO NOT. This weekend, I DID NOT. Saturday was OK, I put up my new Christmas tree and got some stuff done and I generally felt ok. Just not cheery, which is how I should be feeling because its finally CHRISTMASTIME! But then Sunday came around - I had to do laundry, so I got up early to do that and then decided that was the best I could hope for, that was all I was capable of. I simply didn't have the strength to chastise myself into accomplishing much more than that. So I gave into the bad mood and sulked. BAH HUMBUG, I say to you, Bad Mood Spirit. Get thee behind me!

Today, I'm in more of a fighting mood and so I'm casting the Bad Mood aside for now but it's still there, lingering.... some coffee now to give me strength and then I carry on and continue to fight the good fight... wish me luck!