Monday, July 21, 2008


Sorry, I've been doing queries and such up the wazoo and am only thinking in SQL WHERE clauses, defining criteria, and aggregrate functions ... back to "real" English and the activation of communication skills! Happy Monday to you, hope you are as feeling fine fine fine and smiley as I am. Yes? Good! Some good - I'm using the word GOOD too much, what a poor Lit major I've become - things are starting to roll down the pike to me - I won't go into details as they haven't happened yet, but you know, wishful thinking is always helpful in bringing things to fruition. So yay for me... And I'm still counting down to my California trip...ah bliss will soon be mine. And I got a fantastic three hours with this week's Best Person in the Universe - you know who you are!!! Thanks to you as always for keeping me SANE in an INSANE world. Hey, you made an excellent move! (See I'd forgotten about that one!!). And the Mets are still tied for 1st place...and lets see what else? Saw Mamma Mia the Movie on Saturday and its totally joyful - go see it if you want something to make you smile and feel happy. I liked it MUCH better than the Broadway version - the acting was excellent (but come on, it's Meryl Streep, she's just amazing anyway) and that's my problem with most Broadway schlock - the crappy acting! It reminds me of the Theater majors in college who tried so hard but...fell so short and yet thought they were...Meryl Streep. Don't get me wrong, the Broadway version was fun too, but the quality is definitly at a higher level - the music, the singing, acting, etc...

Well I'm heading home, I got very little sleep last night - after being up until 4am on Saturday night, seems my REM cycles are a little screwed up. OH well - I aim for 11pm tonight and back on track as I finish up the first hell week here at work.