Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm as warm as honey in the sun for you...

Earworms Have Attacked!!! Here they are to get YOU - go watch the videos on YouTube or listen on the links below or SOMETHING!!!

Honey in the Sun - Camera Obscura
"I wish my heart was as cold as the morning dew but it's as warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you..."

Black Cab - Jens Lekman

Oh no, God damn

I missed the last train
I killed the party again
God damn,
God damn
I want to sleep in my bed

I want to clean up my head
Don't want to look this dead
Don't want to feel this dread
I killed the party again
I ruined it for my friends

"Well, you're so silent, Jens"
Well, maybe I am, maybe I am

The Opposite of Hallelujah - Jens Lekman

You've got so much to live for, little sister

You've got so much to live for
But sister, it's the opposite of hallelujah
it's the opposite of being you
you don't know cause it just
passes right through you

You don't know what I'm going through
You don't know what I'm going through

Melancholy Man - The Wake

When all is said and done, my melancholy man
The sky is blue today, my melancholy man
'And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you'

As beautiful as you, my melancholy man
As beautiful as you...