Thursday, July 02, 2009

June 19th was the last time I posted here...why oh why, have my bloggie skills been so neglected? Oh so many excuses, so little time...actually now I have lots of time since it just started raining - cats and dogs and lions and bears OH MY - and so now lets see if I can wait it out and escape the deluge and not ruin my shoes.

I want a drink. Today has been, in short, BAD.

I've been sick, first with the flu, then all last week I thought I had pneumonia, found a doctor who would see me who promptly sent me to the hospital for a chest xray to make sure I wasn't surely dying and prescribed me three meds to get me well in a jiffy and to top it off, I've been working my little - or big - well not big, it's a bubble butt - ass off trying to get My Big Work Project completed and with little effort and error.

Turns out there were errors, mainly due to the fact that this was a bit unwieldy but I'm the only one who knows what to tell IT what to do and how to do it so the task was mine and therefore the mess to clean up was also mine. So I thought today - the final big push, the final sets of SQL updates and loads - almost killed me. I almost closed my door and started crying to let out my frustration, but I'm a big girl tough cookie and that's not what we do, at least not in public. I still reserve the right to sob uncontrollably when I get home.

Plus, I dropped my iPod in water last night and now I can't get the volume down to listen to it. It's slowly drying out and healing but STILL. One more clue in the puzzle called It Sucks To Be Me.

Like I said, I'm feeling a bit down and out, a bit blah, still not breathing well, still weary and did I mention I need a drink?

Stopped raining though...liquor store, here I come!!!

Cheers to the long weekend then!! I'm not doing anything except resting to get myself well and maybe some shopping (shoes? clothes?) and a visit to the Met and/or the park? I need a nice, fun, relaxing day methinks....