Friday, July 10, 2009

My Office Garden

Is it the water in the pipes here at 1 Park Avenue? Is it the air? Is it my massive windows that let in humongous amounts of sunlight? I'm betting on the latter, because my office greenery is growing like crazy and I just wanted to share. I get NO sunlight in my apartment - just a bit in my kitchen - so I decided to plant some basil here and look at it go!!

It seems to like being sandwiched between the warmth of my printer and the window light. It smells fantastic too and I keep getting jokes about when am I going to start up tomatoes too. Yes, and perhaps I could also let a water buffalo graze next to my desk so I can milk it, create mozzarella and make a daily Insalata Caprese!

I also started nasturtiums from seed and for a long while I only got leaves - they are pretty though and growing long and ivy-like and I was pleased with the result. But I came in this Monday morning and look what greeted me:

Surprise! Its first flower. Of course - since I read into things - I took it as an omen of good things to come...


Anonymous said...

Boy that basil looks good!! Mine died while on vacation:( My new fav: lemonade or tonic water with basil leaves. YUM. Add frozen or fresh fruit too!!