Thursday, July 07, 2005

Dearest Mervyn...

This is just a special little post for Veronica (my Mervyn)...I bought a copy of a Cocteau Twins dvd, with all their videos on it and some of it is so beautiful, I have to make you a copy of it...I've been dying to buy it, but it only comes up for sale every so often and I finally landed a copy... there is this one a cappella bit that is so absolutely beautiful (if you go to and go to media, then video and click on the "Interlude" clip, you can see it) and I know you would love this... so "sheck" it out as you and Cindy used to say... (did you? or did I make that up?)


Anonymous said...

Nickel--a posting just for me?!
:-D I went to the website and listened to "Interlude"---her voice is so beautiful! I also listened to "sittin' on the Beavis tree" (lol) b/c I haven't heard it in so long and boy does it take me back!!! Thanks for my posting! Love, Mervyn (and LeRoy)

Anonymous said...

Cocteau Twins dvd, pluheeese, w.a.w.

Aleena the Cleric said...


Just a translation of Anonymous' use of w.a.w = What a Weiner! ha ha ha...