Monday, July 11, 2005

Hell to the No!!

Okay, I'd like to admit to everyone that I have been watching "Being Bobby Brown" on Bravo this past week and I liked it...liked it because of its awfulness and how its awfulness made me laugh (hey, I'm only human, I like rubbernecking at car crashes like everyone else does), because of how much they've had to edit each show (because of how high/drunk Bobby and Whitney seem to be, I suppose) but my favorite part is Whitney's favorite exclamation: Hell to the no!! I just keep saying it over and over in my head and it makes me if you see me standing there smiling for no particular reason, now you'll know why...

This weekend consisted of: margaritas and tacos at Panchito's in the village on Friday and then meeting up with Mr. Z. Apollo, Esq. on Saturday to take the train up to Woodbury Common to shop. Some of the nice points of the day: Z.A. brought me a nice fruit smoothie which I thought was awfully sweet of him, because I hadn't had any time to get breakfast other than coffee and when people do kindnesses like that without you having to ask, its always a cool thing; a much desired tan suit was acquired by Z.A. which pleased him a good deal; a yummy cheesy calzone and salad at John's later on; best of all, on the subway to John's, this young woman stepped into the car and started singing, very beautifully, Puccini's "O Mio Bambino Caro" and the whole car went very silent (silent for the subway) and even caused the train guy ( I never know what to call the guy who opens the doors and makes the announcements) to come out of his "cupboard" (I don't know what to call that spot either) and listen to her...this is a good example of a NYC moment, these small, weird (in a good way) random incidents that tend to make you feel better for the moment or make you think about something you hadn't thought of before and only seem to happen to me here - does that make any sense? Anyone else have those moments? Like one time, Veronica and I passed a man wearing a paint bucket on his head. Didn't think twice about it until later. Or the other day, I was sitting on a bench in Tompkins Sq. Park and these two guys were discussing Kabballah and the nature of the universe and all sorts of mystical look at them, you would have generalized that they were discussing the Yankee game...that kind of thing....

That's all for now... I'm off to the veggie/fruit stand...I'm still working on my trying to be super-healthy girl with my eating a ton of fruits and veggies, vitamin taking, ginger tea and astragalus root tonic drinking, getting enough sleep, two tablespoons of flax seeds for my omega3's regime...speaking of which, I got very little sleep last night and I'm surviving on only 1 cup of coffee and 1 mug of green tea...I started watching Adaptation last night at 12:30 and had to finish it because I love that movie and before I knew it, it was 3am and I was still up... so tonight, to bed early! Cindy, if you are reading this post, Adaptation is the movie that I told you to see because there is a character that makes me think of Cajun Carl -you should be able to tell which one he is but I'll give you a clue: he's missing his front two teeth... :-)


apiperisdown said...

I love how Whitney always randomly breaks out into song and dance. Remember the part where she was trying on sunglasses at the gift shop? hilarious!

Aleena the Cleric said...

I know!! that was the funniest thing ever...or when they are in Harrods and she gets mad and sings "I'm not doing this with him...TOODDAAYY!" LOL!!

Anonymous said...

tell us more about zeus apollo! you should do a blog dedictaed to him!