Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hi, I'm Happy!

Just a quick post to say just that - hi, and I'm happy...and I'll tell you why...I GET TO GO HOME FOR A WEEK AND GET OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE I CALL MY LIFE!!!! Aw, it's not all that bad, it's just things have gotten OUT OF CONTROL here at work, very stressful, and I can't take it I pleaded my case to my boss who was very understanding and nice about the whole thing, and how awful I'm feeling and he agreed... SO... next Tuesday until August 2nd, I will be getting lots of much-needed love and attention from my Da and Mother Swarts (ha ha, that's for you Veronica - or should I have called her Goody Swarts?). I do have to bring my laptop to possibly do some work, but I don't care, I just need to get out of here and away from the city too...last weekend was sort of crappy (yet good at the same time, oddly enough, because I made lemonade out of the lemons so to speak)...I tried to get Shakespeare in the Park tickets - DENIED!! Got sick (from the heat? my bad stomach?) later that evening and couldn't go to a BBQ. The next day I met some friends at the Natural History Museum, where I encountered rude person after rude person...I got into a fight with one couple while watching a beautiful film about ocean life - they were talking through the whole thing and then when I asked them to be quiet, they got pissed off...the man yelled at me "you've got some nerve, we paid for our tickets, we can do as we please..." and he kept muttering "the nerve, the nerve...KIDS"....I guess he thought I was just some mouthy teenybopper... so I just ignored them (they seemed half-drunk or something anyway) and then when we got up to leave, the woman (this crusty, middle-aged bottle-blonde white trash type), said loudly and obnoxiously, "buh-BYE" and I walked a few steps away and then turned back around and said just as bitchily "BUH-BYE!!" with a wave... ASSHOLES!! But the upside/lemonade of the weekend was that I sat in the park for most of the day on Saturday where Lucia and I were entertained by this oh so cute and weirdly precocious little girl named Madison and it was nice to be in the park...and on Sunday, I did enjoy myself at the museum despite all the ticketing issues I ran into, the transportation problems, the yucky people there, etc...At any rate, what I'm trying to say is, I'm burned out, people!!!...I need some quiet time to think and rest and off I go, to the hot Nevada desert...but not til Tuesday (name that song...!) so for now it's back to work, I've got deadlines to meet...blah blah blah...


apiperisdown said...

hope you have fun! say hi to your mom and dad for me.