Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Dream Home

If I was ever allowed to live here, in my dream environment, the universe might just stop working because I will have achieved Final Ultimate Geekdom and the Almighty Powers just couldn't handle it...Mervyn, I would become "insignificant"! ... THE SHIRE! Floating Headwise Gamgee and Vox Brandywine want to live here too, so maybe this could really happen:

On a shittier note, I am at work. On a Saturday. Damn it all to HELL. But I will top off a full day's work here with some of the the famous wings and all the alcohol I need at Evan and Deb's and maybe a round or two of poker...tomorrow though, I rest. And do laundry. And tend to my "affairs" as it were. Meaning, get so-called life back in order after a very busy month and esp. this last week, I worked until 9 or 10 almost every night. And Cousin Megan's last day with me was yesterday, she has found a new home at last! Congrats! But it was actually a very good time to have her at my place, because of my stress and absolute tiredness levels, she always seemed to sense that a bottle of wine ready for me would be appropriate. And it was, so cheers to Heed! Pants! Now!


Anonymous said... on a saturday!

Anonymous said...

I want to live in the Shire too! It is pure essence of Merv! I received your emails--sorry,I may not have time to write at length until the end of the week. This month has been and will continue to be hell for me as well (sigh)--but visiting you will be a great way to say farewell to September!!I'll write more soon--Love, EOM

Aleena the Cleric said...

Remember when the Dean of Food dressed up as a woman for Halloween? What was Chris K the dean of? And the Registrar and the Son Of Registrar - The Bursar!