Thursday, August 17, 2006

My Horoscope for the Week of Aug. 17th

I love reading my horoscope courtesy of Free Will Astrology (see my links to check your own)each week, but this week I found it particularly true, because on Tuesday night, my sleepless night, I had a similar talk with myself at 5 in the morning and so for this to be my horoscope for this coming week, well that just confirms the truth of it - this so states what I'm feeling right now:

"Novelist Jeanette Winterson told a TV interviewer about her mother's strongest belief: "You can be happy, or else you can be like normal people." This idea applies to you right now, Libra--maybe more than you realize. From what I can tell, you're at a crossroads in your relationship with happiness. You could go either way, and it's mostly up to you: Will you tame your urges for wild joy, repress your instincts to follow your lyrically crazy heart, and surrender to the dull insanity of the maddening crowd? Or would you prefer the scarier, more eccentric and action-packed route that will constantly push you to enlarge your capacity to feel good? "