Wednesday, August 16, 2006


That's me...Does anyone else besides my mom use that to indicate that they are tired? Maybe it's just my family...

I went to bed at 11pm last night, only to wake up at 3:30am, wide awake and not able to lie in bed anymore...damn IT! I was sleeping very soundly so I'm not sure why I woke up, but DAMN IT. All was not lost because I decided to go to the couch and watch some tv to see if that would help and lo and behold, there was a movie on that I've always meant to rent on IFC, The Wisdom of Crocodiles with Jude Law (before he became cheesy). I missed the first half hour of it, but it was on until 5am so I had to see it through to the end and I still wasn't falling asleep anyway...I think around 7 I conked out and then of course - woke up late! Which means I got to work late. But OH WELL. Looks like I'll be crashing around 8pm tonight - I'm soooooooooooo sleepy. It's looking to be one of those days.

Anyway. On to the massive amounts of coffee and work work work.


apiperisdown said...

Ooh...I saw The Wisdom of Crocodiles a long time ago, when I was in my Jude Law phase. But I remember the video box (this was way before I had a DVD player) called it Immortality.

Aleena the Cleric said...

Yes, at the end of the credits, they said the movie's name was Immortality, so I wonder why there are two titles? I really liked the movie though! And I had a Jude Law phase as well, but since Alfie and the whole Sienna thing (as well as the bleaching the hair blonde) I had to call it's the apt. hunting going by the way?