Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Quote for the Day

Seen on a church by Washington Square Park...and so very appropriate for our country right now and the Manipulators Who Run It:

"Evil is unspectacular
And always human,
And shares our bed and eats
At our table"

- W.H. Auden

On a lesser note this morning, I suck. I'm a big chicken fraidy cat who had a BRILLIANT opportunity and didn't use it. I WAS SO CLOSE. PHASE 3 WOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND I COULD HAVE MOVED ON TO PHASE 4. When I was about 10 years old, I had a Barbie perfume maker and used it to make perfumes, yes, but also what I considered to be potions and one afternoon, Becky Sennes and I made a Bravery Potion and went out in front of my house and tried to sell it to cars passing by... BOY, do I wish I still had the recipe, because I need it... the words were in my throat and they just got stuck there. FUCK. Okay. Maybe tomorrow. The real issue is, I may run out of tomorrows and then I'll have regret and that would be tragic. SO GET OVER IT NIK AND GET YOUR BUTT IN THE GAME.

I've officially been talked off the ledge. HA.

Now: The Ticketmaster has just phoned me with an extra ticket to tomorrows Mets vs. St. Louis game - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!