Monday, October 02, 2006

The State I'm In ...

Is one of my favorite songs by Belle and Sebastian ... but enough of them, let's get back to ME. I'm all agitated lately, like I'm excited for something, but I don't know what it is...usually I get this way the night before Christmas (yes even at my age) or before flying somewhere on a trip and you are anxious and can't wait for it to be morning so that the big event would just GET HERE ALREADY! LET ME OPEN THOSE XMAS PRESENTS!!! But there's nothing like that really going on, so I don't know why I feel that way, but I keep waking up, like 4 in the morning, wide awake and SUPER EXCITED. WHY??? I really want to sleep... oh well, I'll roll with it...that's just the state I'm in... maybe it's because I feel hopeful about something...maybe?

I've finally finished my work craziness (for now) and I was a complete success! I got a high-five from the Head IT Dude and a good job and slap on the back seal of approval and The Boss was very complementary and gave me all the credit in front of the the Head IT Dude and so I felt very smiley about all that - because I did do a good job and if I think back to a year ago, when all of this was new to me, I would have told you there was no way that I would be able to handle this all on my own with little or no help and lo and behold, a year to the day and I've done it and not only that, I did it well. So I feel good about it and that credit was given when credit was due (although, that's never been a problem, The Boss has always been good to me about that kind of thing).

Now this week will be sort of a calm before the next storm which is good, because Mervyn and Company are coming and the last thing I want to worry about is work, and then it's MY BIRTHDAY on Sunday (and I'm celebrating by throwing myself a Medieval Festival at The Cloisters - how appropriate is it for this to be held on my birthday by the way!!) so we will be going to that and maybe dinner afterwards with a Chosen Few and that will be the main celebration (other than Massive Attack on Thursday and we are still crossing our fingers that Ms. Elizabeth Fraser will be singing, as she has been at most of the European gigs and some of the US stops).

I spent the weekend resting, recuperating, and decorating for Mervyn...she expects my place to be "Nicole-ified" and it really wasn't until this past week...I just haven't had time to get it the way I want it and now its finally getting there...I'm starting to feel like it's more "my place" rather than "this is the place I just moved to" which is how I was feeling - not permanent yet for some reason...I guess I still have my guard up about it even though I feel good there and the reality is that I'll most likely be living there for awhile, unless something happens, so get your act together missy and finish unpacking those boxes and decorate like you mean it... oooh! I did go out for dinner on Friday and then The Chia Pet and I went to a Frenchy place afterwards to discuss some more and had a after dinner glass of port and yummy dessert - I had a bread pudding sort of thing made with brioche and berries - lovely! So I highly recommend Cafe D'Alsace on the Upper East Side...should you pass by, stop in...

NOW: I'm super groggy and need to get some work done because I'll be off for 2-3 days this week, so: coffee is in order - I'm off to caffeinate!


Anonymous said...

It's the power of the JUGS!!!!

Aleena the Cleric said...

I HOPE SO!!!!!!!!!!! You know what I wished for....